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【お題】大学生にとって体育の授業は重要だと思うか? (80-100 語で)

Do you think gym classes are important for university students?




No, I do not think gym classes are important for university students. You may think exercise is important for their health. However, they should exercise a little every day. 

I have two reasons for feeling this way.

First, studying is more important than exerciseing for university studentes. University students have to get a unit.

Second, university students do thing of interest other than studying. People who like exercise do exercising.

For these reasons, I think gym classes are not important for university students.

 (82 words)



①意見 大学生にとって体育の授業は重要ではない

(譲歩 運動は健康にとって重要だと言うかもしれないが、毎日少し運動するべきである)

②理由1 大学生にとって運動より勉強のほうが大切

サポート 大学生は単位を取らなければならない

⑤理由2 大学生は勉強以外に興味のあることをする

サポート 運動をしたい人は運動をする



構成も少し直したほうが良いところがありますが、 まず文法を見てみましょう。



 ① University students have to get a unit.

「 単位」は credit で使うことが多いようです。地域によっては unit も使うそうです。いずれにせよ、 a credit / a unit とすると「一つ」取れば良い事になりますので credits / units とした方が良いでしょう。

→University students have to get units / credits.


② university students do thing of interest other than studying.


→university students want to do interesting things other than studying, too.


→university students want to do what they are interested in other thatn studying, too. 


 ※People who like exercise do exercising.

最初の exercixe は名詞、次の exercise は動詞として動名詞に変化させて使っていると思われます。もっと良い表現がありそうですが、ここでは✖とはせずにそのままいきます。



No, I do not think gym classes are important for university students. You may think exercise is important for their health. However, they should exercise a little every day. 

I have two reasons for feeling this way.

First, studying is more important than exerciseing for university studentes. University students have to get units.

Second, university students want to do what they are interested in other than studying. People who like exercise do exercising.

For these reasons, I do not think gym classes are important for university students.

(85 words)













①意見 大学生のとって体育の授業は重要ではない


譲歩 運動は健康にとって重要だと言うかもしれないが、毎日少し運動するべきである






②理由1 大学生にとって運動より勉強のほうが大切

サポート 大学生は単位を取らなければならない






⑤理由2 大学生は勉強以外に興味のあることをする

サポート 運動をしたい人は運動をする












No, I do not think gym classes are important for university students. You may think exercise is important for their health. However, they do not need to take gym classes at university 

I have two reasons for feeling this way.

First, studying is more important than exerciseing for university studentes.They should spend their time in studying.

Second, exercising may be important to stay healthy, but they should be given the freedom of choice. I think they do not need to take gym classes if they do not want to.

For these reasons, I do not think gym classes are important for university students.

(88 words)







You may think exercise is important for their health. However, they do not need to take gym classes at university.

Even if exercising is a key factor to stay fit, it is not necessary for them to take gym classes



even if~ →たとえ~だとしても

key factor →鍵になる要因

stay fit →健康を維持する

necessary →必須の


studying is more important than exerciseing for university studentes.They should spend their time in studying.

→studying is more significant than exerciseing for university studentes.They had better spend as much time as possible in studying. 



significant →重要な

as much time as possible →出来るだけ多くの時間



 they should be given the freedom of choice.


they shoud be allowed to choose what they do



allow to~→~する事を許す

what を使った関係代名詞(~すること)



In addition they can work out anywhere if they want to, so there is no need to spare their time for gym classes .



in addition →加えて

there is no need to~→~する必要はない

work out →運動する




No, I do not think gym classes are important for university students. Even if exercising is a key factor to stay fit, it is not necessary for them to take gym classes.

I have two reasons for feeling this way.

First, studying is more significant than exercising for university studentes.They had better spend as much time as possible in studying at university. 

Second, they shoud be allowed to choose what they do. I think they do not need to take gym classes if they do not want to. In addition they can work out anywhere if they want to, so there is no need to spare their time for gym classes .

For these reasons, I do not think gym classes are important for university students.

 (126 words)




No, I do not think gym classes are important for university students. 

I have two reasons for feeling this way.

First, studying is more significant than exercising for university studentes.They had better spend as much time as possible in studying at university. 

Second, they shoud be allowed to choose what they do. I think they do not need to take gym classes if they do not want to. In addition they can work out anywhere if they want to, so there is no need to spare their time for gym classes .

(92 words)







