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These days, some people take language lessons on the Internet. Do you think more people will do so in the future?





Yes, I think that some people take language lessons on the internet in the future.

You may think studying English at school is enough for us to live. However I don't think it is enough for us. 

I have two reasons for feeling this way.

First, more people will studying abroad in the future. It needs to speak languages very well.

Second, the skill of languages is very important for joining of the company. Foreigners are more and more increased in the future.

For these reasons, I think that more people will take languages lessons in the future. 

 (98 words)




①意見 より多くの人がネットで語学のレッスンをうけるようになると思う

②譲歩 生きていくには学校での英語の勉強だけで十分だと言う人もいるかもしれないが

③打ち消し しかしそれでは十分とは言えない

④理由1 これから留学する人が増えると思う

サポート 留学するなら、かなりの語学スキルがいる

⑤理由2 語学スキルは就職に役立つ

サポート 将来、外国人がもっと増える





でも、問題の読み方によっては「オンラインで英語を勉強する人 VS 英語を勉強しない人」とも取れなくもないので、まあ、良し、としましょう。




 ①Yes, I think that some more people will take language lessons on the internet in the future.

●ケアレスミスですね。問題文のとおりmore peopleとしましょう。will も忘れずに。


②You may think studying English at school is enough for us to live

●この後の展開として英語が「留学に必要」「就職に有利」となるので「to live 生きていくために」という表現は必要ないでしょう。「生きる」ためだけが目標なら、英語は特には必要ない場合も出てきますからね。


③First, more people will studying study abroad in the future.

●will (助動詞)の後ろは動詞の原形になります。ケアレスミスですね。


It needs to speak languages very well. 

●冒頭の It は、何を指しているんでしょうか?

It = studying abroad でしょうか? need to do 「~する必要がある」という形で need を使う時は主語になるのは「人」になる事がほとんどです。会話レベルでは無生物主語を使ってもなんとなく意味は伝わるかな~と思いますが、英作文ではやめておきましょう。

※need 動名詞、need to be 過去分詞 の形で使う時と混乱しないようにしましょう


It= to speak languages very well のつもりかもしれません。もし冒頭のit がto不定詞の仮主語とするなら need の後に目的語が必要になります。仮主語をなくして文を作ってみるとこうなりますが

To speak languages very well needs.


It needs to speak languages very well. 

You need practical language skills there


と you を主語にして書くと良いでしょう。



so many people will study more to use language correctly before studying abroad .




You need practical language skills while studying abroad, so many people will find it essential to study not only at school but also on line. 





 ⑤Second, the skill of languages  language skills is are very important for joining of the company.

●the が何を表しているのか、よく分かりません。「語学のそのスキル」と急に言われても「どのスキル?」と聞き返されそうです。ここでは特に限定せずに language skills などとしておきましょう。skill は常識的に考えて1個という事はないでしょうから複数形にしておきましょう。

●for joining of the company のところなぁ。the company の所は a company とした方が良いでしょうね。(その会社ってどの会社?って突っ込まれるから)joining は動名詞として処理しているのでしょうから of は要りませんね。

for joining of the company

→for joining a company


「~するために」を表したい時の表現としては for doing と to do がありますが、どちらを使ったらよいのか?はなかなか判別しにくいです。でも、ここでは to do の方を使う方がしっくりくる気がします。



「~するために」を意味するfor doingとto doの違いとは?使い分けのコツはこれだ! - まこちょ英語ブログ



Second, language skills are very important to join a company.





It is definitely a great advantage to have some language skills when you join a company.



 ⑥Foreigners are more and more increased in the future.

●受身の形( are increased )になっていますね。受身の形だと意味が伝わりません。能動文にして未来を表すwill を付け加えれば形としては一応整います。

Foreigners will increase more in the future.



Foreigners working in Japan will increase more in the future.



更に、increase を使うときの主語ですが「人」を主語にして「人が増える」という言い方は避けたほうが良いでしょう

the number of~ 「~の数」を主語にして書きましょう。


Foreigners are more and more increased in the future.

→The number of foreigners working in Japan will increase more in the future.




You will need language skills to communicate with your foreign coworkers on a daily basis



⑦For these reasons, I think that more people will take languages lessons on the Internet in the future. 





Yes, I think that more people will take language lessons on the internet in the future.

You may think studying English at school is enough for us. However I don't think it is enough. 

I have two reasons for feeling this way.

First, more people will study abroad in the future. You need practical language skills there, so many people will  study more to use language correctly before studying abroad .

Second, language skills are very important to join a company because the number of foreigners working in Japan will increase more in the future.

For these reasons, I think that more people will take languages lessons on the Internet in the future. 

(112 words)








 First, more people will study abroad in the future. You need practical language skills there, so many people will  study more to use language correctly before studying abroad .

First, more people will study abroad in the future.You need practical language skills while studying abroad, so many people will find it essential to study not only at school but also on line. 


Second, language skills are very important to join a company. The number of foreigners working in Japan will increase more in the future.

→Second, it is definitely a great advantage to have some language skills when you join a company.The number of foreigners working in Japan will increase more in the future, so you will need some language skills to communicate with your foreign coworkers on a daily basis.




Yes, I think that more people will take language lessons on the internet in the future.

You may think studying English at school is enough for us. However I don't think it is enough. 

I have two reasons for feeling this way.

First, more people will study abroad in the future.You need practical language skills while studying abroad, so many people will find it essential to study not only at school but also on line. 

Second, it is definitely a great advantage to have some language skills when you join a company.The number of foreigners working in Japan will increase more in the future, so you will need some language skills to communicate with your foreign coworkers on a daily basis.

 For these reasons, I think that more people will take languages lessons on the Internet in the future. 

(138 words)













Yes, I think that more people will take language lessons on the internet in the future.

I have two reasons for feeling this way.

First, it saves you a lot of time, because you can take lessons at home. Commuting time to school is not negligible.

Second, you can take on line lessons at reasonable prices. There are many kinds of language lessons on line, and what is more, some lessons are free of charge. There is no doubt that more people will give it a try.

For these reasons, I think that more people will take languages lessons on the Internet in the future. 

(104 words)








