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Do you think we should stop using disposable plastic cups and plates?




No, I do not think we should stop using disposable plastic cups and plates.

You may think it is bad for the environment. However, there are some merits.

I have two reasons for feeling this way.

First, we can abandon plastic cups and plates, so we do not have to wash dishes. Maybe a housewife will be happy.

Second, when we go hiking, plastic cups and plates are easy for carrying. Most cups and plates are heavier than plastic ones.

For these reasons, I do not think we should stop using disposable plastic cups and plates.

(96 words)



①意見 プラスチックのカップや皿の使用をやめるべきではない

②譲歩 プラスチックは環境に悪いという意見もあるが

③打ち消し いくつかメリットがある

④理由1 プラスチックのカップや皿を捨てることが出来る

サポート 洗う必要がない。主婦が喜ぶ。

⑤理由2 持ち運びが簡単

サポート プラスチックは軽い





we can abandon plastic cups and plates

→ we can throw away plastic cups and plates after using them.

●モノを捨てる時に abandon はちょっと使わないかな?と思います。throw away が一般的だと思います。







●after using them「使ったあとに」 という文言を入れたほうが、状況が伝わりますね。


②plastic cups and plates are easy for carrying.

→Plastic cups and plates are easy to carry.


It is easy to cary plastic cups and plates. 


という it を形式主語とした不定詞の文だったはずです。

It is easy to carry plastic cups and plates.


Plastic cups and plates are easy to carry.




「タフ構文」とはいったい何!?その不思議な不定詞構文を徹底的に検証してみた!! | まこちょ英語ブログ




No, I do not think we should stop using disposable plastic cups and plates.

You may think it is bad for the environment. However, there are some merits.

I have two reasons for feeling this way.

First, we can throw away plastic cups and plates after using them, so we do not have to wash them. Maybe a housewife will be happy.

Second, when we go hiking, plastic cups and plates are easy to carry. Most cups and plates are heavier than plastic ones.

For these reasons, I do not think we should stop using disposable plastic cups and plates.







First, we can throw away plastic cups and plates after using them, so we do not have to wash them. Maybe a housewife will be happy.

→First, we do not have to wash single use plastics after using them. We can reduce the amount of housework by using disposale plastic tableware.



●「使ったあとに捨てられる、だから洗わなくてよい」でも良いですが、「捨てる」事より「洗わないですむ」事にスポットをあてて、「洗わないで済むおかげで家事の量を減らせる」とすると、流れ的にもスムーズだと思います。housewife 「主婦」という表現も最近はあまり好まれません。「主婦が喜ぶでしょう。」より「家事の量を減らせます。」の方を、私なら使います。

※single use plastics 使い捨てのプラスチック製品

※reduce 減らす

※the amount of housework 家事の量

※tableware 食器類 (不可算名詞です)


Second, when we go hiking, plastic cups and plates are easy to carry. Most cups and plates are heavier than plastic ones.

→Second, plastic cups and plates are light. They are easy to carry whenever we want to bring them with us.




※whenever 〇〇+△△ =〇〇が△△する時いつでも



No, I do not think we should stop using disposable plastic cups and plates.

You may think it is bad for the environment. However, there are some merits of using them.

I have two reasons for feeling this way.

First, we do not have to wash single use plastics after using them. We can reduce the amount of housework by using disposale plastic tableware.

Second, plastic cups and plates are light. They are easy to carry whenever we want to bring them with us.

For these reasons, I do not think we should stop using disposable plastic cups and plates.(100 words)




 プラスチックの使用をやめるべき の意見はこちら↓



