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【お題】高校は高校生をボランティア活動に参加するよう促すべきか? (80-100 語で)

Do you think high schools should encourage more students to do volunteer work?






 I think high schools should encourage more students to do volunteer work.

You may think high school students should study for enter examination. However, high school students should think about their future.

I have two reasons for feeling this way.

First, high school students should experience such this. This is useful for getting a job.

Second, if we don't have enough food to live, we want helping. So students as much as possible must help people who is suffering from hunger.

For these reasons, I think high school studetns should encourage more students to do volunteer work.

(97 words)




①意見 高校はもっと多くの学生にボランティアに参加すよう促すべきである

(譲歩 高校生は入試の勉強をするべきだと言う人もいるかもしれないが、彼らは将来のことを考えるべきである)

②理由1 高校生はこういった経験をするべきだから

サポート 仕事を得るのに役に立つ

⑤理由2 もし生きるために十分な食べ物がなかったら、手助けが欲しい

サポート 生徒は飢えに苦しむ人々を助けなくてはならない







 ① You may think high school students should study for enter examination

 「入試」は entrance examination です。またeaminationは数えられる名詞なので単数か複数の形にしましょう。


You may think high school students should study for (enterance) examinations


② First, high school students should experience such this.

「そのような仕事」と言うとするならsuch work 


③ Second, if we don't have enough food to live, we want helping.

「手助けが欲しい」の意で want helping とは言わないと思います。 

help を名詞として使って want helpneed help が一般的でしょう。


④ So students as much as possible must help people who is suffering from hunger.

●as much as possible は文の最後に置きましょう

●people who is suffering の所ですが people に続くのでbe動詞は are です

→So students must help people who are suffering from hunger as much as possible.



 I think high schools should encourage more students to do volunteer work.

You may think high school students should study for examinations. However, high school students should think about their future.

I have two reasons for feeling this way.

First, high school students should experience such work. This is useful for getting a job.

Second, if we don't have enough food to live, we need help. So students must help people who are suffering from hunger as much as possible .

For these reasons, I think high school studetns should encourage more students to do volunteer work.

(97 words)













譲歩  高校生は入試の勉強をするべきだと言う人もいるかもしれないが、彼らは将来のことを考えるべきである




譲歩 高校生は入試の勉強をするべきだと言う人もいるかもしれないが、人生において勉強だけが大切という訳ではない



理由1 高校生はこういった経験をするべきだから

サポート 仕事を得るのに役に立つ




理由1 ボランティアを通して、困難に打ち勝つための様々なアイデアを得る事ができるから。

サポート 身の回りで起こっている事を知ったり、援助の手を差し伸べる事で、実用的に問題を対処するスキルを磨いていく。そしてそれは就職する時にも役に立つ


理由2 もし生きるために十分な食べ物がなかったら、手助けが欲しい

サポート 生徒は飢えに苦しむ人々を助けなくてはならない




理由2 人道的な理由からボランティアはするべきだ

サポート 困っている人がいたら助けるべきなのだ。それは我々みんなにとって有益なのだ。なぜなら、自分が行った行為は、どういった形にせよ、自分に戻ってくるものだからだ。





You may think high school students should study for examinations. However, studying for examinations is not the only important thing for their life.

First, they can get many ideas to overcome difficulties through this experience.They can get skills to manage problems by knowing what is happening around you and helping people. It  is useful when getting a job.

Second, they should do volunteer work for humanitarian reasons. We should help people in need.  It is good for all of us, because everything comes back to you in any way.










First, they can get many ideas to overcome difficulties through this experience.

First, they can obtain a variety of ideas to overcome difficulties through this experience.


get → obtain

many → a variety of(様々な)


They can get skills to manage problems by knowing what is happening around you and helping people.

Knowing what is happening around you and lending a helping hand will cultivate skills to cope with problems practically.


Knowing what is happening around you and lending a helping hand



cultivate  みがく、高める

cope with 対処する

practically 実用的に、実地で


It  is useful when getting a job.

It surely is advantageous when getting a job


surely 必ず、きっと

advantageous 有利な



【理由1 元の文】

First, they can get many ideas to overcome difficulties through this experience.They can get skills to manage problems by knowing what is happening around you and helping people. It  is useful when getting a job.


【理由1 得点アップする文】

First, they can obtain a variety of ideas to overcome difficulties through this experience. Knowing what is happening around you and lending a helping hand will cultivate skills to cope with problems practically. It surely is advantageous when getting a job.



無生物主語も効いていますね。いつも They~とかWe~とかYou~とかで始めると、ちょっと単調になりますからね。





It is good for all of us, because everything comes back to you in any way.

It is beneficial to all of us, because what you send out comes back to you in any way.


beneficial  有益な

what you send out  あなたが送り出すもの(あなたがする事)

※What you send out comes back again というフレーズが「もし世界が100人の村だったら」という本に出てきます。「自分がしたことは自分に返ってくるよ」といった意味です。


【理由2 元の文】

Second, they should do volunteer work for humanitarian reasons. We should help people in need.  It is good for all of us, because everything comes back to you in any way.

【理由2 得点アップする文】

Second, they should do volunteer work for humanitarian reasons. We should help people in need.   It is beneficial to all of us, because what you send out comes back to you in any way.







I think high schools should encourage more students to do volunteer work.

You may think high school students should study for examinations. However, studying for examinations is not the only important thing for their life.

I have two reasons for feeling this way.

First, they can obtain a variety of ideas to overcome difficulties through this experience. Knowing what is happening around you and lending a helping hand will cultivate skills to cope with problems practically. It surely is advantageous when getting a job.

Second, they should do volunteer work for humanitarian reasons. We should help people in need.   It is beneficial to all of us, because what you send out comes back to you in any way.

For these reasons, I think high schools should encourage more students to do volunteer work.

( 122 words)


今回は「人道的な」話になったので、途中から we are the world の歌詞が頭の中をグルグルしました(笑)


We are the world

We are the children

We are the ones who make a brighter day, so let's start giving

There's a choice we're making

We're saving our own lives

It's true we'll make a better day, just you and me



We are saving our own lives.








