
英語と日本語のこと。about English and Japanese and more...









1 一般的な構成

まずは一般出来な構成を見てみましょう。とてもシンプルなお手本を見つけましたので、それに沿って作ってみようと思います ↓




1 attention grabber  聞き手を惹きつけるための部分

story / interesting facts / Q and A の3タイプがあります

story = トピックに関係のある、人を惹きつけるような話
interesting facts = トピックに関係のある興味深い事実
Q and A =トピックに関係のある質問を聞き手に投げかける



● story は、このトピックを選ぶキッカケになった話、などがあればそれを言えば良さそうです。

● interesting facts は、トピックについての興味深い事実をググったりして、それを盛り込むと良いでしょうね。

※ facts and details という文言で検索すると色々面白い事実が見つかるかもしれません

● Q and A は2-3個、トピックに関する質問を用意しておくと良いでしょう。

2 introduction  内容の紹介部分

generarl details / 3 main points / state your opinion の3タイプがあります

general details = トピックに関する一般的な説明をする
3 main points = トピックのメインポイントを3つ述べる
state your opinion = 自分の主張を述べる


● general details を使うなら、自分が話すトピックが何か述べる→そのトピックに関する一般的な情報を述べるという形かな。

● 3 main points を使うなら、自分が話すトピックが何か述べる→このトピックを通して伝えたい事について3つ述べるという形かな。

● state your opinion を使うなら、自分の主張と、その主張に至った背景などを述べる形かな。

3 the body  本文

3 details / 3 reasons / 3 explains の3タイプがあります。

3 details = トピックについて、3つ詳細情報を述べ説明する
3 reasons = 自分の意見の理由を述べ、その詳細をのべる
3 explains = 自分の意見のサポートとなる例を3つ挙げて説明する

4 conclusion  結論

restate / summarize / final point の3タイプがあります。

restate = もう一度自分の意見を述べる
summarize = もう一度、自分の意見の要約をする
final point = 自分の意見を強調するよう、大事な主張を述べる

2 構成に沿ってメモ書きする


1 attention grabber

story --- トイレで困った話

2 introduction

state your opinion を使ってみようと思います。

state your opinion --- 日本の公衆トイレは、イメージが良いが、「人に優しい(使いやすい)」とは言えないと思うので、改善をした方が良いと思う。

 3 body

example を使ってみようと思います。
example --- ①流し方などが多すぎる例を示す②表示が多すぎる例を示す③ピクトグラムのデザインが統一されていない例を示す

 4 conclusion

restate を使ってみようと思います。
restate --- 以上の理由から、デザインの統一をすれば日本の公衆トイレは改善される思う

3 原稿を作る

では、原稿を作っていきます。草案の段階で、どこにvisual aid(絵や図など)を入れるか、パラグラフごとに何分かかるのか計測したりしておきます。
attention grabber 1分
introduction 1分
body 2~3分
conclusion 1分

1 attention grabber(目標1分)

I went to Kyoto the other day and used a restroom at a hotel near Kyoto station. The restroom was very clean and hygienic just like other restrooms you see in most areas of Japan. Restrooms in Japan are so nice, aren't they?
I wanted to wash my hands there, but the water didn't come out. It took me a while to figure out how to make water flow. What I had to do was to press a button to start and stop water. It sounds easy, but the button was too stylish and difficult to find.

Actually there was a foreign woman who was about to leave the restroom without stopping the water. She seemed to have thought it would stop automatically. So I pushed the button to stop the water for her. She noticed what I did and said "Sorry...." in a very apologetic way.

Oh no! Don't be sorry! I said.

Because it is difficult to use even for me.



story を書く際に気を付けた事は



 2 introduction(目標1分)

Restrooms in Japan are almost immaculate and equipped with high- tech gadgets even they are for public use.  I've heard that many foreign visitors are surprised at their cleanness and fascinated with heated toilet seats with the washing function.


But are the restrooms really user- friendly?

Aren't they too complicated for people who are not familiar with them to use ?


I'm not sure.
Becase I have been tricked by stylishly designed restrooms in Japan many times.


So today I'd like to suggest what we should do for Japanese public restrooms to become more user- friendly. 



introduction で一番言いたいことは最後の1文です。ここで自分の意見を述べています(state your opinion)。


3  body (目標2~3分)

Let's look at what the problems are.

I think there are three problems.

The first problem is there are quite a few ways to use a washstand and flush the toilet in the public restrooms. Like I mentioned, if you want to wash your hand, you might have to push a button or place your hand over a tap or under a tap.

It's more difficult to flush the toilet. because

You may have to push or pull a lever or a hundle on the right or left side of the tank.

or you may have to place your hand over a sensor on the wall

or you may have to press a button on the wall or on the board attached with the toilet

or you may not do anything .It flushes automatically.

like this  

( visual aid を見せる)


 How complicated can they be ?


The second problem is there are too many notes and instructions on the wall. They are so distracting. When I can’t figure out what to do using this kind of toilet, I always feel in my mind like
" What should I do to flush the toilet ! I just want to flush the toilet!"
I'm sure that quite a few people in this room have felt like this at least once.




The third problem is there is no "unified sign." I know there are some pictograms but they are almost always different like this

(visual aid を見せる)


But be careful. Don't press this one because it is for washing function.

(visual aid 見せる)


Is this some kind of trick or what?


So why don't we make a very prominent unified sign like this!

(visual aid 見せる)


 Yellow! Simple! No one would miss this sign! It would be easy for anyone who are not accustomed to a high-tech toilet to use.




292語1分50秒です。visual aid を見せる時にちょっと時間かかると思うので、これくらいで良いかな…。



4 conclusion(目標1分)

Japan is now welcoming over 30 million foreign visitors a year and they are increasing in number year by year. I assume the number of people who must be annoyed by this type of toilet will also increase. It may be difficult to change and unify systems to flush the toilet or reduce instruction signs, but we can make a unified sign. So I highly recommend that we should make a remarkable unified symbol at least to attract everyone's attention when flashing the toilet. Then public restrooms in Japan will become more user-friendly.

Thank you.





4 声出し練習





1回目 6分23秒

2回目 6分5秒

3回目 5分57秒

4回目 5分50秒










スラスラと読んでいるだけだと、聞き手は案外ボーっとしちゃうので、途中でvisual aidを入れたり、同意を求めたり、質問したり、という所を一定時間ごとに入れておくことも大切です。声出し練習の時に、それがちゃんと聞き手が飽きてきそうな所に入っているか、などを確認します。強調する所、面白く読む所、などもちゃんと把握して練習しておきましょう。body language も使ったりね!そう、気持ちはR1グランプリに出るピン芸人です。どうやったら相手を惹きつけられるのか?徹底的に練習しましょう。5分喋るって、自分でも途中で飽きてきます(笑)。聞いてる方はもっと飽きるからね!




I went to Kyoto the other day and used a restroom at a hotel near Kyoto station. The restroom was very clean and hygienic just like other restrooms you see in most areas of Japan. Restrooms in Japan are so nice, aren't they?

I wanted to wash my hands there, but the water didn't come out. It took me a while to figure out how to make water flow. What I had to do was to press a button to start and stop water. It sounds easy, but the button was too stylish and difficult to find.

Actually there was a foreign woman who was about to leave the restroom without stopping water. She seemed to have thought it would stop automatically. So I pushed the button to stop the water for her. She noticed what I did and said "Sorry....(すまなさそうに)" in a very apologetic way.
Oh no! Don't be sorry! I said.(全然大丈夫!って気持ちで)
Because it is difficult to use even for me




Restrooms in Japan are almost immaculate and equipped with high- tech gadgets even when they are for public use. I've heard that many foreign visitors are surprised at their cleanness and fascinated with heated toilet seats with washing function.

But are the restrooms really user- friendly?
Aren't they too complicated for people who are not familiar with them to use ?


In fact I have been tricked by stylishly designed restrooms in Japan many times.

So today I'd like to suggest what we should do for Japanese public restrooms to become more user- friendly.




Let's look at what the problems are.

I think there are three problems.

The first problem is there are quite a few ways to use water when washing your hands and to flush the toilet in the public restrooms. Like I mentioned, if you want to wash your hands, you might have to push a button or place your hand over a tap or under a tap.
It's more difficult to flush the toilet. Because…
You may have to push or pull a lever or a handle on the right or left side of the tank.
or you may have to place your hand over a sensor on the wall
or you may have to press a button on the wall or on the board attached with the toilet
or you may not do anything (たたみかけるように一気に。ジェスチャーつきで)
like this
(show visial aid )
How complicated can they be ?(呆れたように)

The second problem is there are too many notes and instructions on the wall. They are so distracting. When I can’t figure out what to do using this kind of toilet, I always feel in my mind like
" What should I do to flush the toilet ! I just want to flush the toilet!"(怒った感じで)
I'm sure that quite a few people in this room have felt like this at least once.




The third problem is there is no "unified sign." I know there are some pictograms but they are almost always different like this
(show visual aid )
But be careful. Don't press this one because it is for washing function.
(show visual aid )
Is this some kind of trick or what?(呆れたように)
So why don't we make a very prominent unified sign like this!
(show visual aid )
Yellow! Simple! No one would miss this sign! It would be easy for anyone who are not accustomed to high-tech toilet to use.




Japan is now welcoming over 30 million foreign visitors a year and they are increasing in number year by year. I assume the number of people who must be annoyed by this kind of toilet will also inclrease. It may be difficult to change and unify systems to flush the toilet or reduce instruction signs, but we can make a unified sign.So I highly recommend that we should make a remarkable unified symbol at least to attract everyone's attention when flashing the toilet. Then public restrooms in Japan will become more user-friendly. Thank you. 


5 メモを用意しておく








6 まとめ
