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②Naomi Osakaさんが可愛くて仕方ない:The Ellen Showスクリプト+日本語訳

前回の続きです。今回はThe Ellen Show の後半3分です。













Ellen: You are awesome..I mean...you're just amazing and I have questions cause people know you are the great tennis player so what I wanna know is..your favorite color.


Naomi: Black


Ellen: Black..all right..um...I shoud have known that. Favorite TV show?


ナオミさんが、全身黒の洋服なのでね。質問した事に自分で突っ込んでる感じですね。「should have 過去分詞」で「~すべきだった」です。知っておくべきだった→質問する必要なかった。という感じでしょう。)


Naomi: Right now ...the office


Ellen: The office? You're catching up on 'the office'? All right..what season are you in?


Naomi: I'm on season7.


Ellen: OK.Good...and..uh...favorite singer?


Naomi: Uh..singer..Beyonce.


Ellen: Beyonce?..uh...celebrity crush?


Naomi: Uhhh...Ah!..uh..


Ellen: C'mon. You can make it happen. You're very famous now.



make it happen で「それを起こさせる」という意味になりますが、ここでは、おそらく 「奇跡が起こせるよ」→「テレビで言えば会えるよ」という意味で言っていると思います。


Naomi: No, I'm not.


Ellen: Yeah!


Naomi: Um..I don't know his name but he was in 'Black Panther'. He was a villain. 


Ellen: OH! Michael B Jordan!


Naomi: Yeah.


Ellen: Yes!


Naomi: No!


ここの Yes は Yes, you can meet him. でしょうね。それに対してナオミさんは No, I can't meet him.と答えてると思います。


Ellen: Do you want me to text him right now?


Naomi: No!


Ellen: I will...seriously. Somebody get my phone..I'm gonna text Michael and I'm gonna tell him that he should meet you.


Naomi: No...I'm OK...Thank you.


Ellen: All right. I'm just trying to help.


Naomi: It's OK...


Ellen: All right...so you won the title, which is huge, you won 3.8million dollars...and...after you give me my cut..uh...when I introduce you to Michael, what will you do with the money. Do you have a car?

(分かったわ…。とにかく、あなたはタイトルを獲得したわけだけど、それもとてつもなく大きいやつ、で、380万ドルもらったわけだけど=私に私の取り分をくれたあと だって私はマイケルにあなたを紹介するわけだから=そのお金で何するの?車持ってる?)




Naomi: No.


Ellen: Buy a car! Don't you wanna buy yourself something?




Naomi: I would rather buy my parents something.


Ellen: Ohhh...That's the right answer. Yes. What are you gonna buy them. A house?


Naomi: I'm gonna buy them a TV so that they can watch your show.


Ellen: They don't watch my show now?


Naomi: I mean...I'm gonna buy them a really big TV.





Ellen: I see.I'll give them 4k roku TV. I have a 65 inch backstage for you. Let me have my phone Andy.We're getting you...I'm getting you Michael B Jordan...we're getting you TV...yeah...let's take a picture of you so that I can make sure...


Naomi: Noooo...


Ellen: Oh yeah we'll take a selfie...right..I'll sit here with you...


Naomi: Oh my god...


Ellen: All right.


Naomi: uh....


Ellen: I'm doing it.


Naomi: Don't do it! mmmmmm!!!





Ellen: Let's just see what he says. I'm not gonna...I'm not commiting. I'm just saying 'Hey ... We'll see what he says. He's going like 'Who's that hottie with you?'


Naomi: No, he is not!


Ellen: Or he may already know! Let's see what he says.


Naomi: You're stressing me out. I'm too young to be stressed out like this.


Ellen: You are too young to even get stressed. There's nothing...you..like..the world is your oyster right now...you're such a good...You got a brand new TV now you don't have to spend any money.


Naomi: Thank you.


Ellen: You're welcome. All right you're adorable. And thank you for being here and congraturations! You're amazing.



The world is your oyster. (世界はあなたの思うがままだ)っていう表現、面白いですね!







 Ellen: You are awesome..I mean...you're just amazing and I have questions cause people know you are the great tennis player so what I wanna know is..your favorite color.
Naomi: Black
Ellen: Black..all right..um...I shoud have known that. Favorite TV show?
Naomi: Right now ...the office
Ellen: The office? You're catching up on 'the office'? All right..what season are you in?
Naomi: I'm on season7.
Ellen: OK.Good...and..uh...favorite singer?
Naomi: Uh..singer..Beyonce.
Ellen: Beyonce?..uh...celebrity crush?
Naomi: Uhhh...Ah!..uh..
Ellen: C'mon. You can make it happen. You're very famous now.
Naomi: No, I'm not.
Ellen: Yeah!
Naomi: Um..I don't know his name but he was in 'Black Panther'. He was a villain.
Ellen: OH! Michael B Jordan!
Naomi: Yeah.
Ellen: Yes!
Naomi: No!
Ellen: Do you want me to text him right now?
Naomi: No!
Ellen: I will...seriously. Somebody get my phone..I'm gonna text Michael and I'm gonna tell him that he should meet you.
Naomi: No...I'm OK...Thank you.
Ellen: All right. I'm just trying to help.
Naomi: It's OK...
Ellen: All right...so you won the title, which is huge, you won 3.8million dollars...and...after you give me my cut..uh...when I introduce you to Michael, what will you do with the money. Do you have a car?
Naomi: No.
Ellen: Buy a car! Don't you wanna buy yourself something?
Naomi: I would rather buy my parents something.
Ellen: Ohhh...That's the right answer. Yes. What are you gonna buy them. A house?
Naomi: I'm gonna buy them a TV so that they can watch your show.
Ellen: They don't watch my show now?
Naomi: I mean...I'm gonna buy them a really big TV.
Ellen: I see.I'll give them 4k roku TV. I have a 65 inch backstage for you. Let me have my phone Andy.We're getting you...I'm getting you Michael B Jordan...we're getting you TV...yeah...let's take a picture of you so that I can make sure...
Naomi: Noooo...
Ellen: Oh yeah we'll take a selfie...right..I'll sit here with you...
Naomi: Oh my god...
Ellen: All right.
Naomi: uh....
Ellen: I'm doing it.
Naomi: Don't do it! mmmmmm!!!
Ellen: Let's just see what he says. I'm not gonna...I'm not commiting. I'm just saying 'Hey' ... We'll see what he says. He's going like 'Who's that hottie with you?'
Naomi: No, he is not!
Ellen: Or he may already know! Let's see what he says.
Naomi: You're stressing me out. I'm too young to be stressed out like this.
Ellen: You are too young to even get streesed. There's nothing...you..like..the world is your oyster right now...you're such a good...You got a brand new TV now you don't have to spend any money.
Naomi: Thank you.
Ellen: You're welcome. All right you're adorable. And thank you for being here and congraturations! You're amazing.